Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Hunger Games clip includes a variety of both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Diegetic would presumably of course be the natural sounds, however what is significant is the travelling sound effect of the arrow - the swoosh makes it that much more "aesthetically pleasing", and simply appealing to the ear. Similar to the suspense is the quiet audience, combined with the cocking back of the arrow which is for the build-up of climax, until the arrow is fired, which releases it.

On the other hand, we see a non-diegetic sound - the eerie and spookish music that starts around 35 seconds in the clip, and again also ultimately adding suspense. I would like to think that the music is also parallel to the clip, acknowledging the dark room full of spectators is probably evident of it. Also remarkably during the end of her shot, the music is less mellow and muffled, hence a higher pitch to perhaps unsettle the audience, and therefore again release a sea of built of suspense. Dialogue wise there wasn't any plausible effect, however conversations that have no relevance to Katniss may connote to the audience that she is somehow going to divert their attention, knowing her, and that is what she exactly does. When the sudden chattering of people is silenced by Katniss' arrow being shot dangerously close to them is a notable effect too.

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